
Save the Can


Project Save the Can was initaited to invite the general public to join a can collection campaign, focusing its activations in supermarkets.

The campaign main medium are stickers that can be placed on beverage cans throughout the store.The project focuses on leveraging customer-facing opportunities at retail level to raise awareness about the theme of recycling in a playful and engaging way. In addition, the elements in this campaign are all low-cost and designed for mass production in English and Arabic.

Naya Hachwa

  • Naya Hachwa

    Naya Hachwa

    SAE Institute Dubai

    Jenna Borges, Victoria Fishman, and Kevin Paroda are designers from the University of Pennsylvania. They are inspired by the tenants of universal design, and believe that designing products that work for those with the greatest needs and still have design aesthetics that appeal to the masses will help build a more inclusive world.more


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