
Urban Cascade


Grey water filtration with upcycled mussel shells for irrigation

Urban Cascade introduces a cutting-edge grey water filtration system optimised for irrigation in regions experiencing water scarcity. By harnessing a bio-based material derived from upcycled mussel shells, a prevalent waste in countries such as Spain and Chile, the solution combines the material with constructed wetlands for thorough water purification. This initiative envisions transforming our perspective on water usage in food production, emphasising sustainable management, and fostering community resilience through eco-friendly, nature-mimicking designs and tech-enhanced optimisation.


  • Miti Shah

    Miti Shah

    IAAC – Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

    I am an Architect and Researcher from India with a Master’s degree in Advanced Architecture from IAAC, Barcelona, Spain. I am passionate about Advanced Technological Development in Architecture for Green Buildings thus enhancing the development of the future of the built environment. I like to focus on research and projects for the further development of Green Building Technology thus incorporating interactive design elements and focusing on materiality which create a positive impact on the society and environment. more

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  • Yasmin Feijó Jaskulski

    Yasmin Feijó Jaskulski

    IAAC – Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

    A Brazilian Architect and Urban Designer with a Master’s degree in Advanced Architecture in Spain. I’m passionate about developing projects that positively impact nature and society, focusing on circular economy, social inclusion, climate change, and food security. For the past years, my professional journey involves all phases of a design, from concept to construction, and how to engage and inform stakeholders. During my Master's, I was able to expand my expertise in sustainable construction, and design as a tool for solving relevant issues. Therefore, I can craft innovative, and socially responsible projects that respect and benefit the environment. more

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  • Vishesh Narola

    Vishesh Narola

    IAAC – Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

    I am an architect from India with a Master’s in Advanced Architecture from IAAC in Barcelona. Passionate about computational design, my focus lies in creating structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also data-driven, sustainable, and contextually responsive. Working collaboratively towards a future where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand, I aim to enhance the quality of architecture by addressing the problems faced by the community. more

  • Junaid Ahmed Khan

    Junaid Ahmed Khan

    IAAC – Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

    I am an Architect/Computational Designer from Pakistan with a Master's Degree in Advanced Architecture from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona. As a young and enthusiastic professional, I am passionate about exploring the latest advancements in the design and construction industry. I aim to combine my architectural knowledge with a broader understanding of my context and tend to explore design possibilities by envisioning my projects in future scenarios beyond the present day. I am particularly interested in the areas of circular design, circular economy and design for disassembly and integrating these concepts into my architectural practice with the help of advanced computational design and fabrication tools. more

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