

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
Established in 1952 by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR. In 1997, got the status of the University.

The mission of TSUAB is the development of the best traditions of architectural and building education and science based on the unity of educational, research and practical activities:
• To educate specialists - worthy civilians who are able to independently and in a timely manner master independently and in a timely manner the necessary knowledge in the rapidly changing world of technology, to be leaders and to work in a team, to work in a competitive environment;
• to generate new knowledge aimed at ensuring the dynamic development of the domestic construction industry;
• to influence actively the development of the architectural and building complex of the country and the region.

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UV light

Jacket pockets with integrated UV light sterilisation, for easy hands sanitation