

Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) is currently an institution aligned with the important challenge of promoting scientific activity. UDD is becoming a complex university with a high regard for research, now and in prospect to the future. Thus, we must demonstrate the corresponding commitment with our UDD core value of public responsibility by contributing with solutions to the problems relevant to society, with guarantees of quality, security and efficacy.

UDD is a small, dynamic and very young university, and we see these characteristics as an advantage that enable us to be flexible and nimble in our organizational processes. In order to keep moving forward, we are not only incentivizing our researchers to become involved in high impact research, but also to adapt effectively in a dynamic international context in order to attract collaboration from all over the world. Our aim is to achieve strategic alliances with international centers that have a high level of scientific productivity and impact in innovation.

Open Calls




Life Below Water

Floating module for kelp reforestation