


A tool for moving medical testing from the hospital to the home

Nema is a simple, low cost, disposable test designed for home screening and monitoring of anemia; a condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of haemoglobin in the blood. Anemia affects 2 billion people annually and current screening is only conducted in clinics and hospitals, with limited reach to resource-poor communities. To use, the patient collects less than a drop of blood, mixes it with a chemical solution, the test then shows the user’s haemoglobin level.


  • Dawn Moses

    Dawn Moses

    Pratt Institute

    Dawn Moses is a designer who crosses disciplines, concepts, and styles with a consistency of thoughfulness, vision, and beauty. She focuses on the integration of commercial products with sustainability and social good. A graduate of the Pratt Masters of Industrial design, Dawn curretnly works with the clients across the globe.more

    Portfolio Instagram

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