


Lightweight, disposable beds for disaster areas

Ubuntu is a new containment bed concept designed to be easily and rapidly manufactured with locally available materials in an emergency. The Ubuntu package includes zip ties and a roll of Tyvek material, which acts as a microbial barrier and provides construction instructions. As well as Bamboo sticks for the bed’s structure. When the mattress becomes contaminated, it can be easily replaced with another sheet, decreasing the risk of nosocomial infection. It is also easily lightweight and durable.


  • Ilteris Ilbasan

    Umeå Institute of Design

    Ilteris Ilbasan is a designer recently graduated from MFA Advanced Product Design at Umeå Institute of Design in Umeå, Sweden. He has experience in using the methodology and tools of product design, packaging design and graphic design. Currently, he is trying to prove that we can achieve real impact through design.more

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