
Sara Augustine Laurence Timb

Sara Augustine Laurence Timb


Laurence Augustine Sara TIMB " Mésange " is a Cameroonian poetess born on October 23, 1999 in Douala. Author of the collection of poems "THE CONFIDENCE OF A MUSE", she has won during the year 2022 several literary distinctions:
- diploma of honor of the international prize of poetry Léopold Sédar SENGHOR ;
- laureate of the humanist poetry prize awarded by the French Society of Poets (SPF);
- special prize of the jury of the international prize of poetry Matiah ECKHARD ;
- prize for the best poetic text at the national poetry contest;
- laureate of the Africa Poetry International Contest (5th prize).
In addition to her passion for poetry and reading, Sara is a PhD student at the University of Yaoundé I.
"From being to being there is a way: poetry!

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