
Virtual Bar


A virtual social venue

The restaurant and entertainment industry is one of the most affected by the the global lockdown. Project VirtualBar proposes an alternative to supporting the entertainment and F&B sector, consisting of a VR platform with representations of existing venues. Virtual visitors can enter, meet friends and interact with new people, while these businesses can generate revenue for their virtual presence, by delivering food ordered online or selling entrance tickets.


  • VirtualBar

    Collège des Ingénieurs Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) Politecnico di Milano

    Giuseppe, Saverio, Walter and Andrea are four aerospace engineers who met in Toulouse, working for Airbus and Safran. From there on it was the start of a huge friendship, professional collaboration and trips together around the world. Giuseppe is a MBA fellow from College des Ingenieurs in Turin. He studied in Naples, Milan, Barcelona and Beijing. Walter is a Ph.D. for Safran Helicopters in Toulouse. He spent time researching and studying in different countries: Arlington (Texas), Delft, Milan, Bruxelles, Turin and Naples. He is constantly involved in research conferences around the globe. Saverio works as Innovation engineer for Safran, contributing to future products of his company. He studied in Turin, Milan and Toulouse, where he also worked for Airbus. Andrea is a Customer Support engineer for Mitsubishi in London. He worked previously in the context of Airworthiness for Airbus in Toulouse and studied in Rome and Milan. Different paths, stories, backgrounds linked by the passion to identify the next business solutions and love for good cooking and aperitif.more

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